Articles 29 Jul 2024

Unique Independence Day Competitions on 17 August in Various Regions of Indonesia

Besides a flag ceremony, every 17 August, regions in Indonesia decorate their villages with ornaments related to Independence Day. Many areas also hold different competitions to celebrate Indonesia’s anniversary.

Want to know about these competitions? Let’s explore more in this article!

Bidar Boat, Palembang

Have you ever seen a Bidar Boat race? For those living in Palembang City, you must have seen it countless times, right? Well, as the name suggests, a Bidar Boat is a traditional boat used for racing. The Bidar is often referred to as “Biduk Lancar”, which is paddled with bamboo or poles.

The origin of the Bidar Boat race is believed to be related to the story of a beautiful princess named Princess Dayang Merindu. Due to her beauty, two men competed for her affection. To win her heart, these men decided to race their Bidar Boats.

Both men raced on the Musi River while being watched by many people. Unfortunately, before reaching the finish line, both men died when their boats capsized during the race. Following this incident, Princess Dayang Merindu decided to end her life by stabbing herself in the chest with a poisoned knife.

Before killing herself, Princess Dayang Merindu left a will stating that if she died, her body should be split in two and buried alongside the two men who loved her. This led to the invention of the Bidar Boat race, which people still preserve today.

Durian Soccer, Kebumen

Do you like eating durian? You surely know that durians have sharp spikes. If you get hit, they can cause injuries, even bleeding. But, interestingly, in Kebumen Town, durians are used for a competition, widely known as Durian Soccer.

Similar to regular soccer, Durian Soccer in Kebumen is typically played between two teams and commonly takes place during the 17 August celebrations. The most notable difference between that and traditional soccer is the ball used—made not of leather but rather a durian fruit.

That is why not just anyone can play this Durian Soccer, and only adults are allowed to participate. When competing, all players must be barefoot, which requires special skills and techniques to play this game.

Jukung Rowing, Banjarmasin

Known as the City of a Thousand Rivers, Banjarmasin City also has a unique Independence Day competition on 17 August, the Jukung Rowing race. This event not only celebrates Indonesia’s Anniversary but also helps preserve Jukung.

According to Kompas, Jukung is a traditional boat used for transportation by the Banjar people in South Kalimantan. Before today’s modern transportation, the Banjar people used these boats to move agricultural produce, mine sand and stones, fish, and trade.

According to local accounts, Jukung has existed for thousands of years and comes in several types. The largest is Jukung Batambit, which is typically used for transporting goods. Jukung Patai is also used for transportation and Jukung Sudur is used for fishing.

In addition to the three competitions mentioned above, there are many others that are traditionally held on 17 August, such as Peresean in Lombok (featuring champions, or “pepadu,” competing in agility); Jampana Parade in Bandung (showcasing large palanquins filled with agricultural products); and Sailing Boat Race in Batam (a colorful sailing boat competition).

Wow, it is fascinating to learn about the different competitions held in various regions of Indonesia during the Independence Day celebration. Which competitions are you most curious about? Let’s watch it live where it is held while enjoying your vacation there.

To travel safely, comfortably, and worry-free, make sure to always be protected with Travel Insurance from MSIG Indonesia. Enjoy watching the competitions!

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